グランドオープン 村上 躍展 『原形』
2020年10月9日(金)〜10月15日(木)  終了いたしました
作家在廊予定日 10月9日(金)
SHOKEN IZU グランドオープンには陶器作家の村上躍展を行います。
本展は、ご来場の皆様にゆっくり作品をご覧いただくため、完全予約制とさせていただきます。オープン期間のうちご希望の日時を、お名前/人数/当日ご連絡のとれる電話番号/交通手段をお知らせください。 混雑防止のためご希望に添えない場合がございます。あらかじめご了承願います。
* 必須項目 Input Required
    • 展覧会名 Exhibition
    • 開催日程 Schedule
    • 第1ご希望日時 * First choice
    • 第2ご希望日時 Second choice

    • お名前 * Name
    • 参加人数 * Number of people
    • 電話番号 * Tel
    •  当日ご連絡可能な番号
    • 交通手段 * Transportation
    •  駐車場2台完備
    • メールアドレス * E-Mail
    • メールアドレス * E-Mail
    • ご質問・ご要望など Questions & Requests




村上 躍

Original Form

It has been 20 years since I began making works using “UTSUWA”.
During that time, I have continued to create my works using hand forming- a technique that some may consider somewhat ‘primitive’. The reason for this is because I believe hand forming is the technique that is best suited to creating bowls that have a sense of ambiguity and combine two elements that, upon first glance, appear contrasting. Examples of this include heaviness and lightness, or tension and laxation. More than anything, I believe that the time that passes as I work together as one with the earth I use for each work, resonates with the passage of my own time.

Witnessing the opening of a new gallery in Izu has made me want to reconsider a new starting point of my own.
My ceramics keep a sense of independence as a work, while also maintaining their functionality as utensils. There is a shape that comes into being when taking the ideas of the hand forming technique, the bowl as a utensil, and functionality all into consideration, and it is that form that, to me, is precisely what defines what the “original form” of a “UTSUWA” is.

Yaku Murakami